CyberSecurity Solutions


Our Approach To Security

Discovering our client needs and building a fortified solution that will guarantee results. As a top Montreal Cyber security firm we can help your company with a quick and easy onsite audit. Our initial meeting will give insight on ways to improve your overall security posture.

  • Secure By Design

    We use state of the art firewall appliances for on-prem networks and Microsoft Azure best practises for cloud.

  • Compliant By Design

    Every client's needs are different and so are the solutions we provide. Each protection system is custom tailored for each business.

  • Continuous Monitoring

    Threats are constantly emerging, so proactive AI hunting aids in early detection.

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24/7 Cybersecurity Operation Center

In an era where the threat landscape keeps evolving, staying ahead of bad actors requires more than just being vigilant, it demands innovation.  Below is only a small portion of the items we can help your business with.

  • Azure SOC Certified
  • SIEM Threat Detection
  • Data Exfiltration Alerts
  • Rapid Response Time
  • Security Management
  • Instant Malware Removal
  • Microsoft Azure SOAR
  • DLP Policies
  • Compliance - Regulations
  • Quebec LAW 25
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Safeguard your business data

Did you know : Your company physical location still requires a well planned security system (firewall appliances) even though your using a CLOUD environment.

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Why do we love Microsoft Azure Cloud ? They are leaders in cloud infrastructure that can guarantee your secuirty compliance.

Compliance offerings

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides guidelines and corrective actions to implement in terms of Organization, Policy, Staff, Technology and Control Systems.

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When storing or transmitting personal data, you should use encryption and ensure that your encryption solution meets current standards. Having an encryption policy in place that governs how and when you implement encryption is important.

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GCI's goal is to provide insight into securing all the different facets of your business. Our goal is to do it in a transparent way with the least distruption to your staff as possible.

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