Microsoft 365 Policies & Compliance

We can configure your Microsoft environment with specific policies to guide employees with best practices. Compliance attributes makes sure that certain rules are followed at the organizational level and management is alerted if required. From the Exchange Email system to SharePoint data  collaboration to OneDrive, we got you covered. 

Email Protection

Microsoft has extensive custom configuration options to aid in protecting your employees from email threats.

These options are not included by simply purchasing a subscrption.

Sharepoint Protection

Protect your data and get notified if any data exfiltration attempts are made by hackers or employees.

Microsoft Information Protection and Information Rights Management can help secure your sites.

Device Protection

Protect your devices with Microsoft's powerful intune suite.

Device encryption

Security baselines

Software updates

Authentication methods 

Autopilot Controlled

Saving money by reducing IT staff touchpoints

Introducing ease-of-use into device config.

Continuing to revolutionize cloud services by shrinking the gap between hardware and cloud.

Microsoft Security Operations Center

Microsoft security operations analysts can reduces your organizational risk. We can help secure all your Microsoft products. From Microsoft emails to sharepoint and onedrive, to Azure and more....

  • Perform triage
  • Manage vulnerabilities
  • Evaluate logs
  • Microsoft Sentinel
  • Microsoft Defender XDR
  • Respond to incidents
  • Hunt for threats
  • Analyze threat intelligence
  • Defender for Cloud
  • Third-party solutions
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